Our Estate Planning Lawyer McAllen Chimes In On Digital Estate Planning

At Fryer and Hansen, our estate planning lawyer McAllen wants you to be up to speed with everything regarding your process. Learn more about digital estate planning and how to manage your online presence once you’re no longer here with the help of our McAllen estate planning lawyers.

In this day and age, technology makes the world go round. When it comes to personal and financial functions, social media, online banking, and email communication are undoubtedly essential. So, if technology is such a prevailing aspect of our daily lives, why do so many people overlook its inclusion in their estate planning efforts? 

Demystifying Digital Assets

You’re probably wondering if your digital assets are limited to your online banking accounts or if they include things such as your Facebook or Twitter. The truth is it includes both and many more. For instance:

  • Social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn)
  • Email accounts (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo)
  • Online banking and investment accounts
  • Digital photos, videos, and music
  • Cryptocurrency holdings
  • Website domains and blogs

Why Should You Include Them?

An email account or an Instagram profile is unimportant regarding your estate plan. However, failing to address digital assets in your estate plan can lead to complications and uncertainty for your loved ones after your passing. With clear instructions, accessing or managing your online accounts and digital files can be more accessible, at the very least. Privacy, security, and identity theft concerns may arise if your digital presence is turned on.

Steps to Consider with Our Estate Planning Lawyer McAllen

If you’re concerned about your online presence and want to ensure you take every possible measure to secure it long after you’re gone, we have a few steps you can consider:

  • Take Inventory: List all your digital assets, including account names, login credentials, and relevant instructions or preferences.
  • Designate a Digital Executor: Appoint someone you trust to manage your online accounts and digital assets according to your wishes.
  • Review Terms of Service: Platforms have different terms of service or policies regarding the access or transfer of digital assets after death. Make sure you familiarize yourself with all that apply to you.
  • Secure Important Documents: Store your digital asset inventory, passwords, and instructions in a secure location, such as a password manager or encrypted file, and ensure your digital executor can access this information.

What Will Your Legacy Look Like?

In today’s fast-paced digital world, your digital legacy is just as crucial as your real-world one. So, how do you want your digital assets to be managed after you’re gone? If you’re unsure how to go about this hurdle, Fryer and Hansen are here to help. Our estate planning lawyer McAllen is ready to offer their professionalism and utmost support as you navigate the intricacies of your estate planning process. Contact us today to learn more or to get started.

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