Answering Your Most Common Questions About Probate Law in McAllen – Part 1

The judicial system can appear to be a confusing process especially as you factor in laws, lawyers and judicial matters such as probate court. It’s the reason why so many people avoid dealing with important legal procedures, such as the probate process, distributing assets, and so on. Our probate attorneys in McAllen are here to answer common probate questions.

What is Probate?

Let’s begin with the question on everyone’s mind: what exactly is probate? Simply put, probate is the process in which a person’s estate and assets are collected, transferred, and used to settle any debts after the individual has passed.

Is the Process Difficult?

The probate process can be simple when it goes under a Texas probate court. However, distributing assets becomes problematic when an individual fails to make a will, creates an invalid will, or has high-priced assets or debts not clearly outlined in a will.

What Happens If I Fail to Create a Will?

In Texas, the probate process is relatively straightforward. Meaning, if you write a will, there is little court oversight necessary. However, if you fail to leave a will upon your passing, what happens to your assets will be up to a probate court. This means some of your property may potentially end up in places you didn’t intend, leading to some emotional tribulation in your family.

Contact our Probate Attorneys in McAllen

While the probate process in Texas is generally considered straightforward, things can be simplified even more with the help of a McAllen probate attorney by your side. If you’re confused about the process, have a few doubts, or don’t necessarily know where to start, send us a message online. Call (956) 686-6606 to learn more about our services and how we can help you.

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